Founded in 1999 initially as named as Locsan, which since 2007 has been renamed Santista Modules, and today because of our sustainability-oriented ecological policy, it has been renamed ECONTAINERS. We have been in the market with Shipping Containers and modular systems for 17 years, being part of the largest Container Repair Company in Brazil, Oliveira Reparos.
Working based on the largest Port of Latin America – Port of Santos – ECONTAINERS has emerged from the idea of recycling Shipping Containers that were no longer useful for cargo transportation, transforming them into habitable modules and special projects (commercial and residential). In this way, many companies that needed temporary installations (offices, toilets, break rooms, warehouses, construction sites, etc.) started to acquire this type of product for its excellent cost / benefit ratio. Today, with the vast discussion on sustainable construction, environment, recycling, etc., Containers have become a constructive option that generates benefits to both man and nature, embedded in an innovative and modern architecture.
Following all this innovation and always striving for social responsibility, approximately 2 years ago, ECONTAINERS also operates in the North American construction market with offices in Miami, Florida – utilizing Shipping Containers to build residences, shops, shopping malls, hotels, among other special projects. With its headquarters in Santos / SP – Brazil and working throughout the national territory, ECONTAINERS has the infrastructure and specialized workforce to serve its customers in a fast, safe matter with excellence

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